
flowprofiler® blogs and news

Buying vegetables won’t make you healthy…

you have to eat them as well. I can think of so many examples: buying business or self-help books without actually reading them, acquiring a bike and never riding it...the gym membership...the household budget... Whilst none of these statements are very profound they do highlight the need for action and the merits of personal accountability. Without both nothing much gets done whether that be personally, in our relationships, at work, in business [...]

Cruising the Thames with flowprofiler®

We had a great day on Tuesday 11th June cruising the Thames on the iconic New Orleans (Henley-on-Thames). We were there for the official launch of flowprofiler® to clients for the team at Holst.  45 people joined the cruise for an afternoon of food, learning and networking. Delegates explored ways to align flowprofiler® with their organisational initiatives and recruitment strategies. The day was hosted by Jo Emmerson, MD of Holst. Speakers [...]

Meet our psychologists

It is our pleasure to introduce you to Dr Amanda Potter and Helen Bradbury. These are the professionals that lead our team of psychologists behind the flowprofiler® family of assessments. In this blog you will discover: Zircon Management Consulting Dr Amanda Potter Business psychologist Helen Bradbury The flowprofiler® project Who are we? Founded in 2000, Zircon Management Consulting are sector-leaders in talent management with extensive expertise in assessment, development and high [...]

flowprofiler® in Singapore

On Monday 11th March we met with some of the brightest talent in beautiful Singapore at the Carlton Hotel. Our objective was to spread the word of personal excellence in the workplace through the flowprofiler® family of assessments and training. The day started with an opportunity to network and share our personal experiences with psychometric assessments for occupational use. We then explored the story of flowprofiler® using our unique connectagons to put [...]

flowprofiler® is launched in the UK

We are proud to announce that flowprofiler® was launched in the UK and Ireland through our partner Holst on Friday 1st March. The event was attended by the entire Holst team including coaches, trainers and the Board. The day started with our brand story and how the name "flowprofiler®" came to be. flowprofiler® is all about developing personal excellence in the workplace. The team then helped us build the flowprofiler® family tree [...]

Holst are named as UK Partners

We are proud to announce that Holst, experts in workplace effectiveness, is our exclusive partner in the UK and Ireland. Holst has a long history of being first: First European partner of Dr. Edward de Bono’s workshops. First to bring the McQuaig Psychometric System to the UK. First to bring the flowprofiler® to the most sophisticated market of psychometric assessment users on the planet. We’ve chosen Holst because of our shared passion [...]

the flowprofiler® family

We are very excited today. Our brochures arrived hot off the press from the printers and they look terrific. We've had so much fun over the last 12 months developing the flowprofiler® family of psychometric assessments, reports and training workshops. We've worked with an amazing team of psychologists, software developers and engineers, graphic designers and consultants to bring our partners the latest research in the fields of resilience, motivation, emotional and social [...]

The Illinois study

Have you read the Illinois study and the work of Professor Aron Barbey? Read on for a summary of an excellent body of research. Two intelligences It has long been thought that that general intelligence and emotional intelligence inhabit different parts of the brain i.e. general intelligence resides in the pre-frontal cortex and emotional intelligence in the limbic system. However, the latest research suggests differently. In [...]

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