I was recently asked to comment on emotional well-being in the workplace and identify the actions that people can undertake to take good care of it.
Here are my 7 observations of those who use this superpower well. People who take care of their emotional well-being:
1. Are careful about who and what they let into their heads.
As kids our Mother used to say “Rubbish in. Rubbish out.” when we wanted to watch a movie that we were too young for or if it had too much violence in it. As an adult I have come to agree.
We are bombarded with all kinds of messages across a variety of mediums every day. People who look after their emotional well-being actively choose what they spend their time on and what they let into their heads.
2. Are present and aware of how they are feeling.
People who look after their emotional well-being are aware of what they are feeling. They are able to recognise, label and monitor their emotions. This allows them to decide on what course of action they need to take in order to protect their emotional well-being.
3. Actively work to regulate or manage their mental and emotional well-being.
When a person is able to regulate and manage their emotions they have the power to react real time in a positive and proactive way. A fantastic superpower to have, especially when under pressure. The best news is that it is an ability that can be developed!
4. Find out what motivates them and they do plenty of it. ![](https://chalmersinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NEW-NEW-motivationflow®-model-200x200.png)
People who take care of their emotional well-being know what motivates them at work and they look to find opportunities to do more of it.
They realise that motivation is a key part of staying engaged in the workplace and they take responsibility for finding opportunities to satisfy their motivation drivers.
5. Build their personal resilience. ![](https://chalmersinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NEW-resilienceflow®model-200x200.png)
Personal resilience is a key aspect of emotional well-being in the workplace. It determines our ability to manage adversity and set backs. Resilience is a key aspect of creativity and change management. It also contributes to how we think about ourselves and our approach to challenges.
6. Learn when to let go and what to hold onto.
People who take care of their emotional well-being know what is important for them to hold onto and what they should be letting go. They are aware that they cannot control what other people say and do and, they don’t try. They take responsibility for themselves and lead through their actions
7. Are brave!
Most of all I find that people who look after their emotional well-being are brave.
They get out and give life a go. In everything they do they bring the best version of themselves. They don’t sweat it when things don’t go so well, instead they dust themselves off and go again. They aspire to personal excellence not perfection.
If you are interested in developing your organisation’s emotional well-being please email info@chalmersinternational.com and I will be happy to connect you with one of our partners who are local to you.
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