We are proud to announce that flowprofiler® was launched in the UK and Ireland through our partner Holst on Friday 1st March.

The event was attended by the entire Holst team including coaches, trainers and the Board. The day started with our brand story and how the name “flowprofiler®” came to be. flowprofiler® is all about developing personal excellence in the workplace.

The team then helped us build the flowprofiler® family tree with our unique connectagons. The connectacons are designed to show how the flowprofiler® family comes together. They are featured in the pictures supporting this blog.

After a morning break Iain Chalmers demonstrated our platform, flowprofiler.com. The team were given a chance to try out the unique features that flowprofiler.com brings to clients. flowprofiler.com has been built from scratch to give clients a clear and flexible way to manage their people management software.

Lunch came and went and in the afternoon we gave the team an overview of the research that sits behind the flowprofiler®. It is important to us that this porfolio of assessements is submitted for peer review with the BPS (British Psychological Society). This is a process that will take 18-24months.

We were proud that our reliability scores demonstrate the rigor of this portfolio of psychometric assessments.

The day closed with a closer look at two of our assessments, eqflow® and the flowprofiler®. eqflow® is a measure of emotional and social intelligence across 5 dimensions. The flowprofiler® measures resilience, motivation, emotional and social intelligence across a mighty 18 dimensions.

We finished with a celebratory drink at our favourite local to toast this milestone.

Thank you to the team at Holst for your energy and engagement.

We are proud to work with each of you.

You are the spirit of flowprofiler®.