We are proud to announce that Holst, experts in workplace effectiveness, is our exclusive partner in the UK and Ireland.

Holst has a long history of being first:

  • First European partner of Dr. Edward de Bono’s workshops.
  • First to bring the McQuaig Psychometric System to the UK.
  • First to bring the flowprofiler® to the most sophisticated market of psychometric assessment users on the planet.

We’ve chosen Holst because of our shared passion for developing personal excellence in the workplace.

“flowprofiler® offers a new way of identifying the strengths of your candidates, teams and leaders. Ground breaking in the fields of emotional intelligence, social Intelligence, resilience and motivation, the tools and associated training offer organisations the ability to understand their people like never before.” – Jo Emmerson. Director. Holst

The flowprofiler® family of psychometric assessments, workshops and coaching provide unprecedented flexibility in the development of resilience, motivation, emotional intelligence and social intelligence in the workplace.

This portfolio compliments the four pillars of workplace effectiveness that Holst expertly brings to organisations across Europe.

Contact the team at Holst: hello@weareholst.com