flowprofiler® blogs and news
5 tips to develop resilience at work
When you demonstrate resilience at work you become more creative, are able to persevere and maintain a positive outlook. You are able to make effective decisions, work with a clear purpose and have a positive impact on others. Here are 5 practical tips to help you develop resilience in the workplace: Tip 1: Give yourself a break When things aren't going well, or you have made an almighty mess of a [...]
Resilience: Can you be over-resilient?
Resilience, you'll hear about it a lot at the moment. Described as 'bounce-back-ability', your ability to 'deal with adversity', to 'recover quickly' and 'having to tenacity to continue'. We've also observed that in many instances resilience is also 'just turning up', 'giving it a go despite the odds', 'functioning despite the overwhelming desire to go back to bed and shut your eyes'. Resilience is the stuff of high achievers. It allows people [...]
Motivation: the key to engagement
Our research shows that understanding what motivates you and your people is a key aspect of employee engagement, retention, job satisfaction and talent acquisition. 'To win in the marketplace, you must first win in the workplace.' - Doug Contant If you can identify what it is that your people respond well to then you have the edge. After all, what is the point in publicly recognising an employee who dreads being [...]
Can you overuse your superpowers?
We all have superpowers. They are those set of skills or behaviours that allow us to perform at an optimal level in all manner of situations. Some allow us to sail the world solo or climb the highest of peaks. Others allow us to persevere through adversity while those around us fall apart. There are people with such a keen eye for detail they see the world in a completely different [...]
Emotional intelligence and leadership
"Emotional intelligence is a way of recognising, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; it determines the majority of our daily actions. Research suggests it is responsible for as much as 80 percent of the "success" in our lives." - J. Freedman Emotional and social [...]
New Partner: BeInClarity, Singapore
We are thrilled to welcome BeInClarity to our global partner network. Led by Managing Partner Sharmini Suthan, this team will work to develop and spread the flowprofiler® family of assessments and workshops across Singapore, India and Indonesia. BeInClarity specialise in making HR look and sound good in the boardroom. They work with their clients to ensure Human Resources become the go-to advisors for people strategy in their organisations. For the past [...]
New Partner: Hearts and Minds, Malaysia
It is with the greatest of pleasures that we announce that Hearts and Minds Malaysia join our partner network. Hearts and Minds is led by Managing Director Malar Villi. This team shares our value of personal excellence in the workplace. Heart and Minds will bring flowprofiler® to organisations across Malaysia, India and Indonesia. This is a team who live their values and have passion to bring emotional intelligence competencies to their clients. [...]
7 Observations: Emotional Well-being
I was recently asked to comment on emotional well-being in the workplace and identify the actions that people can undertake to take good care of it. Here are my 7 observations of those who use this superpower well. People who take care of their emotional well-being: 1. Are careful about who and what they let into their heads. As kids our Mother used to say "Rubbish in. Rubbish out." when [...]
The spirit of flowprofiler®
Here are some of our favourite quotes that have inspired the spirit of flowprofiler®. The concept of 'flow' is prolific in the field of positive psychology. The term was originally coined by Professor Mihayli Csikszentmihayli, of Claremont University, in his book Flow: the psychology of optimal experience as "the neurobiology of excellence". Flow is described as a state where body, mind and environment converge to reach the ultimate state of effortless engagement. [...]