“Team spirit is based on trust, communication and motivation and it enables us to avoid unnecessary conflict and become even stronger than before.”
Workdays are fulfilling when you are part of a great team and jumping ship is very unappealing. We say this from a position of experience. Being in the people industry you would expect us to practice what we preach. Of course, there are highs and lows, ups and downs. But we are here for each other when it comes to the crunch. We are colleagues for sure, but over the years our workplace relationships have evolved beyond coworker status. It is through the depth of experience and optimism that enables a team to weather the pandemic storm, pull together and make it work. Team spirit is based on trust, communication and motivation and it enables us to avoid unnecessary conflict and become even stronger than before.
Manage conflict with self-awareness and self-regulation
Job-fit is important. We’re all well matched to our roles to begin with. This comes down to self-awareness, self-regulation and having regard for others. That means that we all work within the parameters of what is right or comfortable for our behavioural traits. The job can sometimes require us to stretch beyond what is comfortable to meet business objectives, as long as it does not lead to burnout and, even worse, “boreout”. We strive to be aware of what/how we say/do/present ourselves. eqflow® provides the language to understand, evaluate and articulate our emotional intelligence. Successful teams build a culture where everyone in the team can say “it makes me feel … when you…” to address issues without unnecessary conflict or animosity. We have a choice in how we respond to our triggers. Other people are responsible for their actions, but we are solely responsible for our responses. It’s not always possible to be perfect. Sometimes we might overreact or overuse our superpowers (for example unbias or emotional awareness) but we should aim to recognise when we do, and manage or maintain appropriately.
Our self regulation is centred on our regard for others. We all work differently, at different paces and using our different strengths. Sometimes, when under pressure, it’s tempting to react, but self- respect and regard for others triggers our self-regulation. Team have faced acute challenges over the past couple of years starting with office-based to 100% home-based and now ‘somewhere in the middle’ The key to this success and stability lies in communication and team motivation.
Team communication and motivation
Communication underpins team motivation. This relies on sound self-awareness and regulation skills. Motivated teams are collaborative. Team members enjoy working with each other when the communication is effective and there is a shared sense of belonging. Recognising successful performances helps strengthen relationships and creates a positive environment.
How leaders communicate with each other and the team sets the tone for how everyone in the organisation behaves. If leaders exhibit an aggressive or dismissive communication style, there is a chance it will ripple down. To counter this, leaders should develop emotional intelligence, resilience and motivation skills. The ability to be self-aware and self-regulate helps individuals to ‘read the room’ in that controversial presentation, greater resilience empowers you to deliver messages with authority, control the situation and make a positive impact.
Constructive conflict can spark debate and innovation. It can also flag gaps in processes and shines a light on necessary improvements. However, unmanaged conflict affects morale, relationships and can break down communication. Help your leaders and teams to manage conflict, improve communication and boost motivation.
Use flowprofiler® to better manage conflict and improve communication and motivation skills
flowprofiler® team training and facilitated sessions help your teams and leaders to develop their emotional and social intelligence, motivation and resilience skills to strengthen workplace relationships and avoid negative conflict. Read more about flowprofiler® for teams in the Waterfield Case Study. We have a number of training interventions which provide the technical skills and techniques to fine tune communication throughout your organisation.
flowprofiler® supports success. People perform better at work when they are resilient, motivated and emotionally aware. Learn how your organisation can use these power skills on demand through assessments, training, facilitating and coaching. Everyone can find their personal and professional flow. Help your people to activate their personal excellence today!