power your potential with flowprofiler®

assess | lead | develop | recruit



flowprofiler® offers clients maximum flexibility in how they use this family of assessments, workshops and coaching material across recruitment, professional development and team effectiveness.

flowprofiler® provides un-paralleled insight into organisational culture, value alignment, talent acquisition and retention.

flowprofiler® drives performance

flowprofiler® supports success. People perform better at work when they are resilient, motivated and emotionally aware.
Learn how your organisation can use these power skills through assessments, training, facilitation and coaching.
Everyone can find their personal and professional flow. Help your people to activate their personal excellence today!

What makes flowprofiler® unique?

1. Holistic Measurement of Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, and Motivation:
flowprofiler® is the only assessment that integrates these three critical workplace factors, providing a comprehensive understanding of a person’s potential for success in leadership and teams.

2. Veracity and Scientific Rigour:
Reliability score of 0.82 (Cronbach Alpha) and integrity measures (social desirability, self-deception, and completion metrics) ensure the accuracy and integrity of the results, making flowprofiler® a scientifically robust tool.

3. Skills, Intelligences, and Abilities that Can Be Developed:
flowprofiler® measures behaviours as skills, intelligences and abilities that can be developed. We provide users with the awareness and tools to adapt, improve, and build accountability over time, particularly in EQ, resilience, and motivation.

4. State-Based Assessment for Rich, Dynamic Insights:
Measures behaviour both day-to-day and under pressure, offering actionable insights into how individuals adapt to stress and high-pressure environments.

5. Comprehensive Family of Assessments:
Offers four specialised assessments (flowprofiler®, eqflow®, motivationflow®, resilienceflow®) tailored to specific business needs, providing unmatched flexibility.

6. Leadershipflow® 360-Degree Feedback for Comprehensive Perspectives:
Provides a multi-faceted view of an leader’s performance and impact through feedback from peers, managers, and direct reports, enhancing leadership development programmes.

7. Supported by 40+ Integrated Workshops:
Ensures that insights from the assessments are translated into actionable development plans, making it a tool for both assessment and continuous learning.

8. Flexibility Across Recruitment, Development, and Leadership:
Can be used across multiple stages of the talent management process, offering maximum return on investment by reducing the need for multiple tools.

flowprofiler® affects business outcomes:

flowprofiler® delivers tangible business outcomes across leadership, recruitment, professional development, and team development. Here are a handful of examples:

1. LeadershipLeadership Development
Outcome: Leaders who remain composed under pressure (Emotional Regulation)
Leaders who can manage their emotions and stay composed under pressure perform better in crisis situations.At Johnson & Johnson, leaders trained in emotional intelligence (EI), particularly emotional regulation, were able to maintain productivity during periods of organisational stress. Research by Goleman found that leaders with high EI contribute to better team performance and reduced burnout. (Goleman, D. (1998). Working with Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.)

Outcome: Leaders who inspire trust and security (Self-Confidence)
Leaders with high self-confidence inspire trust and foster a sense of security within their teams, which in turn drives higher employee engagement and performance. According to Gallup, self-confidence in leadership correlates with a 20% increase in employee engagement. This is derived from research into how confident and decisive leaders positively influence workplace engagement and productivity. (Gallup (2017). State of the American Workplace. Gallup Press.)

Outcome: Leaders who create supportive work environments (Social Awareness & Regard for Others)
Leaders with strong social intelligence can read and respond to the emotional needs of their teams, creating a supportive work environment. Google’s internal research, “Project Aristotle,” identified empathy and social awareness as key factors for effective team dynamics. The study found that emotional awareness and social intelligence contributed significantly to a 37% improvement in team cohesion and performance. (Rozovsky, J. (2015). The five keys to a successful Google team.)

Outcome: Leaders who communicate clearly, set boundaries, and ensure that organisational goals are met without compromising team dynamics (Assertiveness)
IBM found that leaders who displayed assertiveness in their decision-making reduced project delays by 15%, as they were more decisive and proactive in removing roadblocks​. (IBM (2020). Leadership decision-making for the modern enterprise. IBM Research.)

2. Recruitment
In recruitment, behaviours such as adaptability, collaboration, growth, and recognition are crucial for identifying candidates who not only have the technical skills but also possess the behavioural attributes needed for long-term success.

Outcome: Hiring candidates who demonstrate that they can adjust to changing business environments and challenges (Adaptability)
Companies like Amazon prioritise adaptability in recruitment, contributing to their resilience in a rapidly changing market. Adaptable employees are key to innovation and market leadership. (Reeves, M., & Deimler, M. (2018). Adaptability: The new competitive advantage. Harvard Business Review.)

Outcome: Stronger team performance successful cross-departmental initiatives through recruiting those who thrive in collaborative environments (Collaboration)
Procter & Gamble saw a 25% improvement in product development timelines due to enhanced collaboration, driven by focusing on teamwork skills during recruitment. (Procter & Gamble (2016). Accelerating time-to-market through collaborative team-building. P&G Innovation Reports.)

Outcome: Candidates who actively seek development opportunities, leading to enhanced job performance and leadership potential (Growth)
Microsoft’s shift to emphasise growth orientation has contributed to a culture of innovation, which helped the company pivot toward cloud computing services. (Microsoft. (2017). Growth mindset culture at Microsoft. Microsoft Annual Report.)

Outcome: Hiring individuals who understand the importance of recognising others fosters a positive, supportive work culture (Recognition)
Zappos’ emphasis on recognition leads to high retention and customer satisfaction. They have seen employee turnover remain low at 25%, and customer satisfaction consistently reaches 90%. (Hsieh, T. (2015). Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose. Business Plus.)

3. Professional Development Professional Development
When it comes to developing employees, focusing on behaviours such as perseverance, emotional awareness, autonomy, and well-being can significantly enhance personal and organisational growth.

Outcome: Employees who demonstrate perseverance overcome challenges, leading to higher levels of productivity and innovation (Perseverance)
Tesla’s culture of perseverance under high pressure is key to their continued innovation and ability to meet ambitious development timelines. (Tesla Motors (2020). Innovation and perseverance in engineering. Tesla Annual Report.)

Outcome: Employees who demonstrate emotional awareness leading to better decision-making and workplace interactions (Emotional Awareness)
Deloitte’s emotional intelligence programmes led to a 10% improvement in collaboration and decision-making among employees who underwent EI training. (Deloitte. (2019). The role of emotional intelligence in corporate culture. Deloitte Insights.)

Outcome: Autonomous employees more engaged and exhibit greater initiative (Autonomy)
3M’s policy of granting employees autonomy to pursue personal projects led to the creation of the Post-it note, among other innovations. (3M (2020). How autonomy drives innovation: A look inside 3M. 3M Innovation Blog.)

4. Team Development
Developing teams requires fostering behaviours such as optimism, self-esteem, purpose, and collaboration to create high-performing, motivated teams.

Outcome: Resilient and innovative teams (Optimism)
Teams that demonstrate optimism are more likely to be resilient and innovative, even when faced with challenges. Salesforce’s emphasis on optimism and a positive work culture has helped the company maintain high morale during organizational changes, resulting in a 25% increase in productivity. (Salesforce (2019). Creating a culture of optimism at Salesforce. Salesforce Company Culture Report.)

Outcome: Improved confidence, problem-solving and collaboration across teams (Self-Esteem)
Apple’s focus on empowering teams and encouraging high self-esteem has been a critical factor in its innovation pipeline and employee satisfaction. (Apple (2018). Empowerment and innovation: A study of Apple’s employee culture. Apple Innovation Report.)

Outcome: Aligned, engaged and productive teams (Purpose)
Teams aligned with a strong sense of purpose are more engaged and productive, as they see how their work contributes to the broader organisational mission. Patagonia’s commitment to environmental activism drives employee engagement, with 91% of employees reporting high job satisfaction due to their alignment with the company’s purpose. (Chouinard, Y. (2019). Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman. Penguin.)

Organisations can achieve tangible business outcomes with flowprofiler®.


There are four assessments in the family:

EQ in the workplace across 5 dimensions
– Increased personal effectiveness

– Improved relationships at work

– Enhanced well-being

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Resilience in the workplace across 6 dimensions

– Develop & maintain a positive mindset

– Manage change effectively

– Grow your personal grit

– Manage stress better

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Motivation in the workplace across 7 dimensions.

– Improved work-life balance

– Greater engagement

– Better teamwork

– Stronger professional relationships

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All 18 dimensions across eq, resilience and motivation

– Increased leadership ability

– Enhanced gravitas, resilience and social competence

– Develop your personal intelligences

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flowprofiler® empowers us to be the best and slightly stretched version of ourselves.
It inspires us to find balance and equips us to adapt to demands in a healthy way.

Everyone can find their personal and professional flow.

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flow is positive: it’s aspirational
and a better way to live

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❝The results showed that I was managing at a day-to-day level, but I was pushing so hard when things got tough. This insight enabled me to make changes in my behaviour.❞

Aiden Nuttall, Head of Growth, Australia