Data Protection


The purpose of this document is to provide a concise policy regarding the data protection obligations of flowprofiler® Global.

flowprofiler® Global is a data controller in respect of personal data of job applicants, employees, contractors, interns, apprentices and former employees, referred to as HR-related personal data.

flowprofiler® Global is a data processor for Clients who are Data Controllers in respect of the personal data they collect. A Data Controller – Data Processor contract will be in place for each data controller that flowprofiler® Global Ltd processes data for.

Employees/clients of flowprofiler® Global should refer to the guidance provided by the Information Commissioner’s Office ( as well as seeking professional advice regarding best practice in this area.


As a data controller and processor, flowprofiler® Global and its staff (hereafter referred-to collectively as flowprofiler® Global Ltd) must comply with the data protection rules set out in the relevant UK legislation. This Policy applies to all personal data collected, processed and stored by flowprofiler® Global in the course of its activities.

We process personal information to enable us to provide training to our customers and clients; to promote our services, to maintain our own accounts and records, and to support and manage our employees.

In its role as an employer, flowprofiler® Global may keep information relating to a staff member’s physical, physiological or mental well-being, as well as their economic, cultural or social identity.

Personal data also include a combination of identification elements such as physical characteristics, pseudonyms, occupation, home address, etc.


The policy covers both personal and sensitive personal data held and processed in relation to its data subjects, and those of it’s Clients, by flowprofiler® Global. The policy applies equally to personal data held in manual and automated form. All personal and sensitive personal data will be treated with equal care by flowprofiler® Global Ltd. Both categories will be equally referred to as personal data in this policy, unless specifically stated otherwise.


For the avoidance of doubt, and for consistency in terminology, the following definitions apply within this Policy.


This includes both automated and manual data.

Automated data means data held on computer, or stored with the intention that it is processed on computer.

Manual data means data that is processed as part of a relevant filing system, or which is stored with the intention that it forms part of a relevant filing system.

Personal Data

Information that relates to a living individual, who can be identified either directly from that data, or indirectly in conjunction with other data which is likely to come into the legitimate possession of flowprofiler® Global Ltd.

Sensitive Personal Data

Sensitive personal data is personal data which relates to specific aspects of one’s identity or personality, and includes information relating to ethnic or racial identity, political or ideological beliefs, religious beliefs, trade union membership, mental or physical well-being, sexual orientation, or criminal record.

Data Controller

The legal entity responsible for the acquisition, processing and use of the personal data.

In the context of this policy; flowprofiler® Global Ltd is the data controller in respect of personal data of job applicants, employees, contractors, interns, apprentices and former employees, referred to as HR-related personal data.

flowprofiler® Global Ltd is a data processor for Clients who are Data Controllers in respect of personal data they collect.

Data Subject

A living individual who is the subject of the personal data, i.e. to whom the data relates either directly or indirectly.

Data Processor

flowprofiler® Global Ltd is a data processor for Clients who are data controllers in respect of the personal data.

A person or entity who processes personal data on behalf of flowprofiler® Global Ltd on the basis of a formal, written contract, but who is not an employee of flowprofiler® Global Ltd.

Data Protection Officer

flowprofiler® Global Ltd is not required to appoint a Data Protection Officer according to the ICO Guidelines, however they have appointed a suitable individual, Iain Chalmers, to monitor compliance with the appropriate data protection legislation, to deal with Subject Access Requests, and to respond to data protection queries from staff members and the general public.

flowprofiler® Global Ltd as a Data Controller & Data Processor

In the course of its daily organisational activities, flowprofiler® Global Ltd, processes and stores personal data in relation to living individuals. To that extent, flowprofiler® Global Ltd is a data processor and has obligations under the Data Protection legislation, which are reflected in this document.

In accordance with UK Data Protection legislation, this data must be processed fairly and lawfully.

flowprofiler® Global Ltd is committed to ensuring that all staff members have sufficient awareness of the legislation in order to be able to anticipate and identify a data protection issue, should one arise. In such circumstances, staff members must ensure that the Data Protection Officer (DPO) is informed, in order that appropriate corrective action is taken.

Third-party processors (where applicable)

In the course of its role as data controller, flowprofiler® Global might engage a third-party service provider, or data processor, to process personal data on its behalf.

In each case, a formal, written contract is in place with the processor, outlining their obligations in relation to the personal data, the security measures that they must have in place to protect the data, the specific purpose or purposes for which they are engaged, and the understanding that they will only process the data in compliance with the UK Data Protection legislation.

The contract will also include reference to the fact that the data controller is entitled, from time to time, to audit or inspect the data management activities of the data processor, and to ensure that they remain compliant with the legislation, and with the terms of the contract.

The eights data protection principles

The following key principles are enshrined in UK legislation and are fundamental to flowprofiler® Global Ltd’s data protection policy.

1. Fair and Lawful: Personal data is processed fairly and lawfully:

  • For data to be processed fairly, a data controller must:
    • have legitimate grounds for collecting and using the personal data;
    • not use the data in ways that have unjustified adverse effects on the individuals concerned;
    • be transparent about the intention to use the data, and give individuals appropriate privacy notices when collecting their personal data;
    • handle people’s personal data only in ways they would reasonably expect; and
    • ensure they do not do anything unlawful with the data.

flowprofiler® Global Ltd meet this obligation in the following way:

  • Where possible, the informed consent of the data subject is sought before their data is processed;
  • Where it is not possible to seek consent, flowprofiler® Global Ltd ensure that collection of the data is justified under one of the other lawful processing conditions – legal obligation, contractual necessity, etc.;
  • Processing of the personal data is carried out only as part of flowprofiler® Global Ltd’s lawful activities, and it safeguards the rights and freedoms of the data subject;
  • The data subject’s data is not disclosed to a third party other than to a party contracted to flowprofiler® Global Ltd and operating on its behalf, or where flowprofiler® Global Ltd is required to do so by law.

2. Purposes: Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes:

flowprofiler® Global meet this obligation in the following way:

  • flowprofiler® Global obtain data for purposes which are specific, lawful and clearly stated.
  • A data subject has the right to question the purpose(s) for which flowprofiler® Global holds their data, and flowprofiler® Global is able to clearly state that purpose or purposes.

3. Adequacy: Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed

flowprofiler® Global meet this obligation in the following way:

  • flowprofiler® Global ensures that the data it processes in relation to data subjects are relevant to the purposes for which the data are collected.
  • Data which are not relevant to such processing are not acquired or maintained.

4. Accuracy: Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.

flowprofiler® Global meet this obligation in the following way:

  • Ensuring that administrative and IT validation processes are in place to conduct regular assessments of data accuracy;
  • Conducting periodic reviews and audits to ensure that relevant data is kept accurate and up-to-date. flowprofiler® Global conducts a review of sample data every six months to ensure accuracy;
  • Ensuring that staff contact details and details on next-of-kin are reviewed and updated every two years, or on an ‘ad hoc’ basis where staff members inform the office of such changes;
  • Conducting regular assessments in order to validate the need to keep certain personal data.

5. Retention: Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes

As a data controller, flowprofiler® Global must:

  • review the length of time personal data is retained;
  • consider the purpose or purposes for holding the information and in deciding whether (and for how long) to retain it;
  • securely delete information that is no longer needed for this purpose or these purposes; and
  • update, archive or securely delete information if it goes out of date.

flowprofiler® Global meet this obligation in the following way:

  • If data is being retained indefinitely, a justification is provided;
  • Once the respective retention period has elapsed, flowprofiler® Global undertakes to destroy, erase or otherwise put this data beyond use;
  • Data is destroyed as per the Data Destruction Policy in place at flowprofiler® Global;
  • Access to, and management of, staff and customer records is limited to those staff members who have appropriate authorisation and password access.

6. Rights: Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.

As a Data Controller, flowprofiler® Global has the following obligation:

  • A right of access to a copy of the information comprised in their personal data; a right to object to processing that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress;
  • A right to prevent processing for direct marketing;
  • A right to object to decisions being taken by automated means;
  • A right in certain circumstances to have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and
  • A right to claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the Act.

flowprofiler® Global meet this obligation in the following way:

  • A Subject Access Request procedure is in place;
  • A mechanism is in place to capture data subject preferences;
  • If using Direct Marketing, we ensure Opt-ins and Opt outs are as per current data protection legislation;
  • If using Profiling, we ensure the data subject is aware that they are being profiled and have the opportunity to object to such activity;
  • We have mechanisms in place to capture communication from data subjects that refer to amending their personal data;
  • We agree to pay in the instance where compensation has been awarded for breach of the Act.

7. Security: Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.

  • flowprofiler® Global meet this obligation in the following way:
  • flowprofiler® Global use a risk based approach to security of data. The level of security in place shall commensurate with the level of risk to security of the data;
  • flowprofiler® Global employ high standards of security in order to protect the personal data under its care;
  • flowprofiler® Global’s Password Policy and Data & Destruction Policies guarantee protection against unauthorised access to, or alteration, destruction or disclosure of any personal data held by flowprofiler® Global Ltd in its capacity as data controller;
  • In the event of a data security breach affecting the personal data being processed on behalf of the data controller, the relevant third-party processor notifies the data controller without undue delay;
  • Iain Chalmers of flowprofiler® Global is responsible for ensuring information security.

8. International: Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the EEA unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.

flowprofiler® Global meet this obligation in the following way:

  • Assess whether or not the data can be anonymised prior to transfer;
  • Map the process to clearly establish if the data transits through the non-EEA country or is the data actually processed in the non EEA country;
  • Ensure that there is no personal data whatsoever on the website;
  • Establish if the destination country is on the EU Commission’s list of countries or territories who provide adequate protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects. Personal data may be shared with country’s on this list;
  • In any case, we undertake to map the transfer process to establish the risks to personal data that may arise. We undertake to mitigate those risks to an acceptable risk level prior to transfer by means of adequate safeguards:
    • Adequate safeguards include Model Contract Clauses, Binding Corporate Rules, or other contractual arrangements;
    • Where “adequate safeguards” are established, the rights of data subjects continue to be protected even after their data has been transferred outside the EEA.


As a data controller and processor, flowprofiler® Global ensures that any entity which they process personal data for, or processes data for them, does so in a manner compliant with the Data Protection legislation through a formal Data Processor Agreement.

Regular audit trail monitoring will be done by the suitable individual to ensure compliance with this Agreement by any third-party entity which processes personal data on behalf of flowprofiler® Global.

Failure of a data processor to manage flowprofiler® Global’s data in a compliant manner will be viewed as a breach of contract, and will be pursued through the courts. Failure of flowprofiler® Global’s staff to process personal data in compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary proceedings.