We have had the greatest pleasure working with the team at Waterfield for the last 14-months.
From virtual team sessions through to 1:1 feedback, in this case study the team share their thoughts about their flowprofiler® journey. All team sessions were held via Zoom.
Waterfield initially completed resilienceflow® in April 2020. The primary purpose was to check in on the needs of the team as they adapted to the huge impact that Covid-19 presented to the business.
resilienceflow® was a great fit at this time as it measures the 6 dimensions that underpin resilience in the workplace.
“We are in the business of facilitating the development of organisation’s growth strategies, partnership alliances and how to continually evolve their business model to remain resilient and thrive.”
“We recognised Covid-19 was an existential threat to our business. We needed to ensure our people and our business not only survived this crisis but also able to learn rapidly and thrive in a Covid and Post-Covid world. This meant we needed more knowledge about our team and how to remain strong and capable to transition to a new business model delivering in virtual workshops.”
– Kevin Nuttall, Director
resilienceflow® was supported with 1:1 feedback and a team session to share results and establish how the team could support team members effectively through the transformation the business was about to undertake.
“resilienceflow® was a great way of checking in with ourselves as individuals and checking how we were doing as a team. resilienceflow® gave us insights and language for our day-to-day and under pressure thinking and performance.”
“I liked the feedback and self-awareness that resilienceflow® gave me especially during the uncertainty of the Covid-19 upheaval and the pivoting of the business.”
– Fiona Nuttall, Director
In April 2021 the team from Waterfield undertook what is known as a re-test of resilienceflow®. A re-test is where an individual re-takes the assessment 12-months after the first completion date. With this information, individuals can assess to what degree their behaviour has changed or modified and reflect on the implications of this change for themselves and their role.
“To do the test was quick and easy. When I got the results, it showed that I was managing at a day-to-day level, but I was pushing so hard when things got tough.
This insight enabled me to make changes in my behaviour.”
– Aidan, Head of Growth
“Comparing the results 12-months apart showed how the organisation can shift. This was relevant because of the external factors with Covid-19.”
– Shona Wilson, Communications and Marketing
“The test and re-test process was simple and efficient. It was valuable to see that the team, after 12-months, had settled down after navigating the immense uncertainty that the COVID crisis threw at us.
It is encouraging to see we have the ability as a team to self-heal and remain resilient during what is probably the most significant threat we have ever faced.”
– Kevin Nuttall, Director
“I liked the feedback and self-awareness that resilienceflow® gave me especially during the uncertainty of the Covid-19 upheaval and the pivoting of the business.”
– Fiona Nuttall, Director
In April 2021 the team completed the motivationflow® assessment. They had concluded that with remote working conditions, it was important to understand the motivation and engagement drivers of each team member. In addition, there was an opportunity to check-in and inform the organisation about key aspects of workplace culture for future planning.
Each team member received 1:1 feedback using their motivationflow® development report. The team then participated in a 3 hour team session using the team reports for both motivationflow® and resilienceflow® (both 2020 and 2021).
“Using the motivationflow® development report, it was visually evident that under pressure I am highly motivated by purpose, growth, recognition and collaboration.
– Shona Wilson, Communications and Marketing
“The process highlighted areas where I could improve/work on to ‘grow’ and ultimately add more value to the team. I got insights about the team members which helped me understand them better. Easy to complete.”
– Maureen Ngan, Operations Manager
“Team sessions were fun, online, personable and interactive.”
– Shona Wilson, Communications and Marketing
“The motivationflow® assessment was significant for me at a personal level. I realised I have built a highly professional, self-motivated and autonomous team that does not need to be managed. I equally learnt that what motivates me is delivering value to our clients and not necessarily growing or managing a bigger team.”
– Kevin Nuttall, Director
“The ability to review your individual feedback and then assess as a team was very valuable. Almost like a puzzle. You could see how your contribution fitted into the wider picture. This in turn created more connection and focus for the whole company. From the team sessions we implemented a number of new ways to help build resilience and effective communication within the business.”
– Shona Wilson, Communications and Marketing
“flowprofiler® is a great tool to get a better understanding of self and team. It has helped us clarify and articulate, for ourselves and the business, our future direction and strengths as a team and individuals. It has allowed us a common insight and the language to have conversations not previously had. The process has given voice to fundamentally important issues for the future of the business.”
– Fiona Nuttall, Director
“No person is an island. Having a view of everyone around me helped me identify why interactions played out the way they do. We all got an appreciation of how everyone worked, and we got some concrete actions to improve how we support each other.”
– Aidan Nuttall, Head of Growth
“The team session was useful for everyone to understand the results and how we can improve our working relationships.”
– Maureen Ngan, Operations Manager
“motivationflow® helped to show and articulate the driving values that underpin the reasons why the team works well together and how we can continue to achieve great results.”
– Fiona Nuttall, Director
“Everyone feels like they have been engaged. We all understand each other’s drivers but also how we as a group can support them. Change is always difficult but knowing others care and are trying to work with you builds a lot of tolerance. Good pre-work for my personal plan as it unpacks your drivers which can help guide what and how you want to work. Personally, I got an insight that my unbiased is high. Professionally it sets me apart, but it shows me the learning in how to be able to turn it on and off.”
– Aidan Nuttall, Head of Growth
We would like to express our warm gratitude to the team at Waterfield for their generosity in sharing their powerful story.
For more information about team sessions (facilitated virtually or face-to-face), flowprofiler® team reports, resilienceflow® or motivationflow® then please email Beck at info@chalmersinternational.com
flowprofiler®, resilienceflow®, motivationflow® and associated marks are registered trademarks of flowprofiler® Global Limited | All rights reserved.